01 November 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween!!

I hope you all had a great Halloween! We didn't really do to much
here...it was pouring rain all day and we are all sick! I ended up
with a bad sinus infection that has spread to my ears and JR has a
sinus infection as well. Aidan is not too sick, but a runny nose and
cranky!! He was so NOT into Halloween this year. We attended a
couple of Halloween Parties for him and did some Trick or treating the
week leading up to Halloween. I couldn't find a costume that was cute
for him without being like every other 2 year old on the block! I
ended up picking up a Dragon w/ wings costume, but he of course
refused to wear the head piece. Didn't even get a picture of him in
full costume! Last night we just stayed in and watched movies and
hung out. It was nice...I felt guilty for not taking him out, but he
is 2 and he really really does not care. I should mention that the
home we are currently in while waiting to move into our new home is in
a retirement community. So there were NO kids, and no one handing out
candy! Sad.

On Friday night though we took him to the Farragut Freaky Friday,
which was a blast. A bunch of businesses in Farragut (suburb of
Knoxville) get together at the park and the kids trick or treat and it
was so much fun. There were a ton of people there and lots of little
ones in costumes! Some were so cute and original! So we did that,
got eaten alive by mosquitoes...poor Aidan they just love him. It was
humid and rain coming and they mosquitoes were out in full force!!

Here are a few pictures...


Snarky Belle said...

He is soooooo adorable! And, those cupcakes look yummmmy. :)

midnight macaroons said...

Looks like y'all had a good time. Your little boy is adorable in his costume.