07 January 2010

And we are back...

And we are back!!

It has been a whirlwind couple of months and I feel like I can finally catch my breath.  We bought a new house the week before Thanksgiving and got moved in.  I say "moved in" lightly since we literally didn't have a thing to move into the house.  We bought a couple of pieces of furniture, a mattress...We still have card board boxes for end tables and not much else but we are getting there.

We traveled home to WA state for Christmas and spent two weeks there...It was so nice to see our family and we enjoyed every minute of it.  It was nice to get home too.  We have so much to do to get settled!  We have finally arranged for some of our things from our house in WA (which is still for sale) to be moved here and that will help it feel a bit more like home.  We have been exhausted...really ready just to settle in for the next couple of months and do nothing.  Christmas was filled with friends and parties and dinners both here in TN and in WA!

Aidan and I ended up sick when we returned to TN on Monday.  We have spent the last couple of days cooped up, fevers, yuckiness all around!  I am so tired and feel like I could sleep for days!

Going to post some photos now!


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