28 September 2009

Hit by a truck? Warning...I may whine!

This is how I feel. Oh.My.God. Solumedrol. This has been a rough few weeks, but I can at least say that I finished this infusion crap yesterday and I could not be happier to be done. Well, I have to get through the next few days and that is not going to be easy. I am sick. My body feels like I have been beat up and down with a bat, I am bruised EVERYWHERE. My arms look like I am a strung out addict...and to top it all off, I don't really feel any better. I am still completely numb down my left side. I have moments that feel like shock therapy. I know that this will pass, but it is so hard. It is a gorgeous brisk fall day outside. All I want to do is pick Aidan up from school, get an ice cream and go to play in the park for a couple of hours. That is going to happen, with the help of Holly, the new nanny that we hired to help out. :( I hate it. But, I have to get well and drugs and rest and time is all that can do it. I cannot force it. So, there. That was my whine and now I am moving on! Downloading pictures, watching a "Baby Story" on TV and really thinking about having another baby. Am I crazy? Yep. Ask my husband!

1 comment:

midnight macaroons said...

I'm sorry that you have to deal with that pesty MS. My aunt has MS as well as a good friend. I know I was exhausted after we moved cross country but I can't imagine moving from Scotland. Then catching up with your family and making that trip from WA to TN and adjust to a new schedule and trying to sell your house AND you have 2 year old. Wow, I'm worn out just typing all that, LOL! I'm sure once you get rested up you'll get your energy back. Sending my best from my house to yours.