27 September 2009


We are alive. So much has happened since my last update and I feel like I am finally in a place where I can begin to update our blog and start breathing again!

How about a quick update...

we spent the summer with my parents in WA and had an amazing time
We moved to East TN on August 18th
We have been house hunting and I am SO over it already!
We are still trying to sell our home in WA state! It is such an amazing home and I just wish it would sell already
We are renting a beautiful home on a lake with our own boat house! It is amazing and the views are gorgeous. It is however SO far away from everything :( We have it rented until mid November and had hoped to be into our new bought home by then, but now I am not sure we will be.
We have joined so many fun things since we have been here! Aidan and I have joined the "Little Gym" and it is awesome!
We have also joined "Kindermusik" and we love it!
Aidan started preschool! Big Big news here in the Biggs household! He is attending 2 days-a-week 9-2 and he loves it! It has made such a huge difference.
Aidan turned two!! YES TWO!! On Sept. 18th!
Mel has been very ill. :( I have MS (multiple sclerosis) and have had a pretty bad relapse. I have been in and out of the hospital for the past week, doing IV steroid infusions and they have kicked my butt. It has been very tough trying to deal with this on my own without help. JR is here when he can be, but it leaves a lot of time on my own with Aidan. He has so much energy and it is hard to keep up when I am healthy. Finished my last infusion today and though I feel sick and feel like I have been hit by a bus and have a million tests coming up this week I hope that I start to feel better soon.
I am hoping my mom can come out for a couple of weeks, but she isn't feeling well and the infusions completely kill my immune system so I can't be around anyone sick. :(
I did hire a nanny. Her name is Holly and she is helping out a few days a week. She is a very sweet girl and Aidan seems to really like her. It is so hard to do this, have someone in your home, while you are there or take your child to the park since you can't, but it is what we need right now.
I really really need a vacation. :)

So now that is a short update of the last couple of months. Pictures, stories and postings to come.


Ashley said...

Oh, hang in there, girl. Sounds like you have a million things going on, which has also probably not help with your stress and immune system. Take time to take care of yourself because Aidan needs you in tip top shape. Great to hear from you! Thanks for posting- hope to see pictures soon!

paddle to shore said...

I was so happy to see that you updated.
Sounds like you have so much stuff going on. Take your time coming back to the blog world, and thanks for the update!!!

midnight macaroons said...

Good luck on selling your house. The house you are leasing sounds beautiful. And Tennesse is gorgeous during the fall.

Malin said...

Oh Mel... I didn't know that you have MS. You must be so strong - amazing!!
I can imagine it being hard having to get a nanny to help out, but I'm sure it'll do you tons of good, give you some time to relax and get some time for yourself..

I've missed your sweet posts, but take your time and concentrate on you for a while - us bloggers can wait!! We'll be here when you feel like you have time!!


The Daily Bee said...

Hi there, hope you start feeling better soon. :)