29 July 2009

When life gets in the way of blogging...

I am so sorry that I have been MIA for so long. We have been so busy and by the end of the day I am so exhausted that I haven't even opened my laptop! Things are really really good! The weather has been HOT...a week of 100+ degree weather! Since my last post, we have seen Grandma make good progress in recovery and able to move back into her house, we have gone camping, we watched one of my best friends get married and enjoyed a trip to Seattle, had dinner with friends, went to a movie (Just JR and I..we've seen 2 movies in the theatre in 2 years) oh yeah...and I started a damn diet. :)
We had a blast camping at Lake Easton which is a state park in the Cascade Mountains. Beautiful, relaxing and just the 3 of us! Aidan was in his element. He is such an outdoor kid..you can keep your TV and your toys as far as he is concerned...just give him the outdoors! Loved it and can't wait to go again!! (Thanks to mom and dad for letting us borrow your 5th wheel...I am not a tent camper!)
My best friend Danille was married on July 18th. We headed over a bit early so that I could take part in her spa/cocktail party (heaven!) and a few drinks with her friends and family! She made the most amazing bride...a rock n roll princess! Love her and her new husband and it was nice to be there and see her so happy! Got some rockin pictures too that I will post...
While we were in Seattle for Danille's wedding we were able to take Aidan to the Pacific Science Center. OMG..it was so fun and we had a blast! He actually sat still for 20 WHOLE minutes during a 0-4 age planetarium show. He LOVED it! Could have spent all day there!
Okay...the "Hangover" Seriously hilarious! We loved it. I laughed so hard...One of the best movies I have seen in so long of course it is also one of the only movies I have seen in so long! :) If you haven't seen it...go see it. :)
I am going to get to posting some pictures now!! And check up on everyone!


In This Wonderful Life said...

I loved the hangover! Sounds like you've been having a good time! in pretty places!

Ashley said...

Enjoy, my dear! It's great to be able to spend time with family. I can't wait to see pictures because I live all the ones you post!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

So nice and beautiful this blog!

Malin said...

It's sooo good when life takes over from blogging though, isn't it??? Sounds like you've had a brilliant time with your family!!

midnight macaroons said...

I'm going to have to go watch the, "Hangover." I keep hearing that it's funny. Sounds like you've been having lots of fun.

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