14 July 2009

We gon' sip Bacardi like it's my Birthday...

Today I turned 35. I had a wonderful day, Aidan came running into my room and gave me a huge hug and lots of kisses. I spent 4 hours at the spa being pampered, had a wonderful dinner with my family and friends, received some amazing and thoughtful gifts, flowers and cards. I am so truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. It is a bit surreal turning 35, though I must admit that turning 30 was much harder. I love my life. I love my husband and my son. I am so happy, happier than I have ever been and happier than I ever thought was possible. I am thankful for all of the blessings in my life. And the fact that the lady doing my facial today told me I had fabulous skin and no fine lines or wrinkles...How come I can see them plain as day and she can't see them with her big, huge magnifying glass? Too funny, but made my day!

On another note, my Grandma is going into the hospital tomorrow to have surgery for her second bout of lung cancer (the first surgery took place about 15 years ago and resulted in the loss of one lung) If you would please keep her in your thoughts I would appreciate it.

I had to laugh a bit, my birthdays of days past consisted of a lot of partying, dancing and a bit too much to drink. I have had a couple of glasses of champagne, put my baby boy to bed and cannot wait to crawl into with my husband and read a couple of chapters of my latest book.

Life is good...


John & Michelle said...


midnight macaroons said...

I have to agree that turning 30 was much more difficult for me as well. Now I could care less. Well, until I reach 40, LOL! Spa day, a glass of wine and a good book sounds like a great way to spend the day.

I hope your move to Tennessee is a smooth one. I love Tennessee! It's so beautiful there. We've been to Nashville a few times. I'll keep your grandmother in my prayers today.

Ashley said...

Oh, happy belated, girl! Sounds like you had the perfect day!

The Daily Bee said...

Happy Birthday, sounds like you had a great one this year! :)

paddle to shore said...

Happy Birthday dear!

Design It Chic said...

Happy Belated Birthday!
and we'll keep your grandma in our prayers!

Happy Wednesday!