13 July 2009

4th of July

I know that I am a bit behind in posting. We have just been so busy! We had a great 4th of July though Aidan is still not quite old enough to really enjoy fireworks. Mostly they just scare the crap out of him and he really doesn't like the loud sounds! We spent the day enjoying the beautiful weather, hanging out with our family, swimming, eating and laughing. I have missed my family so much and it has been so great to spend this time with them. We made it until about 10:30 or so, but Aidan and I finished up the night on my sister's couch nearly asleep. Here are a few pictures of our day....

Aidan responding to fireworks...

Aidan and his cousin Kaylee lighting a sparkler

He is just not sure what to think..

Enjoying the pool

Mel and Kaylee

Aidan pointing out fireworks to me...

It was a fabulous day!


Danielle Moss said...

Aidan is so cute! At least he enjoyed the pool!

The Daily Bee said...

Cute pictures! My nephew is terrified of fireworks too. You'd think boys would be all over the bright lights and fire. lol

Looks like you had a great 4th!

paddle to shore said...

I always love your pictures!
Aidan is absolutely adorable.

midnight macaroons said...

His little expression on his face is priceless!!!