28 June 2009

My Husband is Home...

JR got in last night and it is so good to have him home. All I can say is that I have mad respect for single parents out there. He is such an amazing father, and he helps so much with Aidan. I have been running on low for the last week, just so tired! We had a wonderful day hanging out with my parents, swimming and firing up the bbq right now! A couple of glasses of wine and hearing Elmo sing in the background...life is good. Promise to be better at posting now that I will have a bit more time. It feels so good to be surrounded by family and friends and to have JR here with us now. He has the month of July off so we are going to just hang out and relax before the next big move!! I am so overdue on pictures, I know...promise to make it up this week! :)

Well, going to go and enjoy the rest of the evening with my family!


paddle to shore said...

Hi Love.
Enjoy the company of your husband and your beautiful family. I hope your having a wonderful summer thus far.

Malin said...

Ah, good that he's home!! I'm glad you are enjoying being back! :)

midnight macaroons said...

I'm happy to hear that your hubby is back home. I hate it when my hubby has to travel for business. I don't sleep very good with him gone. It sounds like you're having a fabulous time with your family. Have a wonderful summer!