22 June 2009


I went to dinner last night with one of my best friends, Danille. We had a blast and it was so nice to just sit and chat and catch up. Of course that involved a couple of drinks and a bottle of wine. Followed by port. That is what did it! I am hurting today and I so rarely drink enough to have a hangover...I hate hangovers. It's not too bad, but bad enough that it is 4pm and I just took a shower! :)

It has been a very hectic week and a lot of fun. I have taken a ton of photos and need to get them downloaded. I still don't have my laptop and am waiting for the power supply to get here. I do have good news this week though! My husband will be here on Friday. So excited about that. I miss him like crazy and Aidan really really misses him. He runs around the house all day looking in rooms and closets calling for dada. Going to go wine tasting with my sisters, mom and grandma this week. Think we have a pool party planned for Thursday with some friends and their kids and I am going to get back to the gym. I've taken almost 3 weeks off and it is time. I am going to go blog browsing now and catch up with everyone!


Shannon Dew said...

My cure to a hangover is McDonald's cheeseburger!!! Always makes me feel better!

Sierra said...

Glad you get to see your hubby soon. Hmm, get lots of rest and drink a smoothie - that helps for me. :)

Neisha said...

Thanks for your sweet comments. I'm glad to know you are my long lost sister. : ) We were meant to meet on here. I'm sure when Aidan is older, you will do it too.

John & Michelle said...

I just tagged you over at my blog! I tried to pick people that I thought would have interesting pictures!