15 June 2009

Awards for me??? YAAAYYY!!

I am the lucky recipient of TWO awards!! The best thing is that they were given to me by two of my favorite bloggers! My first award is from Niky She is so very crafty and she inspires me. She is currently living in Germany and has done some amazing things with her place there. Check her blog out!! I adore her! Niky has awarded me with the "Love Ya" award. I love the meaning behind this award and I am so thrilled to receive it This award states:

These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

The second award I have received comes from Kimberly! She is hella cool...a Canadian who is getting ready to hop into the world of entertainment in LA! She is fresh and I love to read her blog! Kimberly has give me the "Funky Blog" award!! I love that! She is really amazing and you should check out her blog!!

I absolutely LOVE to read what these amazing girls write...and I am so honored to have been singled out by them! THANK YOU NIKY & KIMBERLY!
I now get to give these awards out...
The "Love Ya" Award
I give this award to...
Deborah @ The Daily Bee
Ashley @ At Last
The "Funky Blog" Award
I give this award to...


paddle to shore said...

you are VERY welcome!!!

Design It Chic said...

Thanks so much Mel! I just put it up there on display:)

Happy Tuesday!

The Daily Bee said...

THANK YOU so much, Mel! :) I'll be blogging about it soon here...

Anonymous said...

Awww...well thanks!! :)

Ashley said...

Ah, aren't you sweet? Thank you! I'll try to post about this next week. Thank you for thinking of me; you are very thoughtful. Hope you are still enjoying your trip.

Jordan said...

Thanks so much for thinking of me! I blogged the award. :)

Sierra said...

Yay, congrats on the awards! Just stopped by from The New Black and loving your blog land! I have to say I am super jealous that you live in Scotland. i have always wanted to go! Also, your fam and little boy Aiden are so precious. Look at his baby blues! ;)

Danielle Moss said...

Congrats on your two awards! :)

Jessica said...

Hello there, just blogwalking.

So you're from Scotland..Hmm, home of Franz Ferdinand. I love it! :)

Neisha said...

Congrats on your awards. I just gave you one too. Head on over to my blog to claim it. Hope you and Aidan are over your jet lag.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

What a beautiful blog.

I love your blog. I enjoyed reading it today.
I had some time to do some blog hopping...
I always enjoy finding new blogs and new friends.
Hope you will stop by and visit me.
This month I am posting on our Disney trip plus a June giveaway.....plus a new grandson that will arrive on Tuesday....

Miss Sweet Tea said...

Thank you for my award!