08 June 2009


It is my last day in Scotland! :( Aidan and I are leaving tomorrow evening to make the trip to London and then on Wed. afternoon we are off to Seattle! I am so anxious! I think that the main reason is the trip with Aidan. I am serious guys...he is into EVERYTHING. He DOES NOT sit still. I have traveled all over the world with him but have JR there to help! We made the trip to the States alone once and I swore I would never do it again. He wasn't even walking then. :) Enough of my whining. I am not sleeping, I am packed, and re-packed. We are going to head out for dinner tonight and ya know what? Aidan is at Kerry's house for a couple of hours this afternoon and I am going to go and take a nap! A NAP! As if I will sleep, but I better try. We will be about 24 hours of straight travel on Wed. and our trip on Tuesday so I need to get some rest. I can do this! I have no choice! :)
I am behind on my daily dose pics so I am going to catch up with just one post today. I am so looking forward to the sun and the pool and the river. :) Of course my awesome mom and dad will be helping us when we get home. In the past jet lag has been very tough of Aidan, but now that he has figured out that sleep is not the enemy it might be a bit easier. So excited to see my family and my friends!
Off to do another load of laundry (seriously where in the hell does this stuff come from?) and just relax this afternoon. Hard to do but I'll try!


John & Michelle said...

I will keep you both in my prayers for safe, easy travel and for handsome Aidan to sleep ALOT!!!

Neisha said...

Hope you have a good and safe trip back. I'm sure Aidan will do just fine. How exciting!

The Daily Bee said...

Oh my, traveling with a toddler. I'll say a pray for you and him and that the hours go by extra fast. :)

paddle to shore said...

Have a fun and safe travel with your little boy.

Ashley said...

Enjoy your safe travels!

Malin said...

I hope the journey went well!