11 June 2009

We Made It

Just a quick note...we made it! We are back in the USA and it feels so good! It was LONNNNNNNNNGGGGGG. Seriously. I have had about 10 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours and I am dead on my feet. Aidan went to bed last night at 1am and was up at 3am. It is now 3:58pm local time (pst) and he is still up. No nap. I think we are both jet lagged like crazy and so past the point of being tired. We are having a BBQ tonight with my family and then we are going to bed!

Aidan was brilliant on the flights. I am so proud of him. He had a couple of near meltdown moments, but in all fairness I did too. :) I do know one thing though, for the time being I am not doing any more flights longer than 5 hours with him. It is just too rough on both of us! So that should cover East Coast to the W. Coast! We were on a plane though where he was the only kid on the flight...and there were a lot of "I hate kids" people. You know the looks you get...I didn't even feel sorry when Aidan hit them in the back of the head with a flying car. Kidding. I felt a little bit sorry. :)

The weather is amazing...mid 80s, it is so perfect and we have been playing outside. Will catch up on blogs and comments after what I hope is at least 6 hours of solid sleep!

Thanks for all of the well wishes! I heart the USA!


paddle to shore said...

awww good job Aidan.
Happy to hear you got the US safely and I hope you have a GREAT sleep. I'm sure it's going to feel amazing.

paddle to shore said...

Also... I gave you a blog award. Thank you for being wonderful and be sure to check it out on my blog.

Mandy said...

Love the blog.
And am glad you are back in the USA!