20 November 2010

Potty Training...

We have been struggling with potty training Aidan.  He has just had no interest at all.  I have tried EVERYTHING, treats, charts, stickers, surprises, stars, books, big boy underwear, no underwear, pull ups no pull ups, singing you name it I've done it.  On Thursday I picked him up from school we went home and I took his pants off and showed him the toilet, lifted the lid and put a stool in front of the potty.  He didn't like to sit on the potty.  I told him I wasn't going to ask...if he needed to go pee pee here is the potty and I left him alone to run around naked and pull on his thing. :)

LOW and BEHOLD...he started using the potty, standing up on the stool.  He will go in, pee and yell I'm a big boy now.  We whoop and holler and make a huge deal out of it with high fives and hugs.  No candy, no toys...no gimmicks.  I have to chuckle because there are SO many books out there that parents depend on and I learned a LONG time ago that my child does not fit into that category.  He does his own thing in his own time and I am proud of him for that. It's challenging but I love that he is so confident and has some ability to make "decisions."  Of course this can be problematic too but we will work through it.

So...we are almost there.  We have had 3 days of pee pee in the potty with only diapers at night and just a couple of accidents.  I am thrilled.

Now...how do I keep his hand out of his pants....

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