22 May 2009

Fab Friday

It is Fab Friday again! Danielle has given us this for Fabulous Friday!!

Fabulous Sunglasses

Post a pic of your glasses (or of you in your glasses.) You can say who they are if you want to, but if you don't, that's fine! If you have a story to go along with why or how you got them, go ahead and share that too!

I love love love sunglasses. I always used to buy the cheapest pair I could find since I always lost them or broke them. I started a few years ago buying "grown up" sunglasses and spending a lot more money on them. They last longer and I take much better care of them. My fave sunglasses right now are these:

These are Versace and I have had them for a while and I still love them! I did recently see another pair that I fell in love with...

These are the new Chanel Perle Eyewear Collection. I heart them!


Danielle Moss said...

Love your glasses! They are really cute :)

Amy said...

They look like a fun pair to wear.

Neisha said...

Love your sunglasses. I also like the Chanel ones. I saw those last week while trying on the Tom Fords. : )

Kari said...

Those are great!! And, the Chanel pair...OH MY!!!