06 October 2009

Pictures of our life in TN

This is the farmer's market in Market Square in Downtown Knoxville. We love to head down on a Saturday morning, have breakfast and browse the market. They have it through November 21 and then have a 4 week holiday market complete with carolers and pits for roasting marshmallows!! Yummm...

This is Aidan the first time he went fishing. He and daddy fished off our boat dock on the lake and caught this little guy...

One of our favorite parks "The Cove"

Daddy and Aidan at the petting zoo at the Tennessee Valley Fair

Aidan on his very first ride by himself. He was not amused!

My baby's first day of pre-school! He loves his car car lunch box...

1 comment:

Malin said...

Awwwww, I love the picture with the lunch box!! He is adorable!! (And growing so quickly!!)I'm sorry I'm such a crap commenter on your blog, but for some reason your posts never show up on my dashboard! :(
Anyways, you should stop by my blog soon, I have something for you! :D