03 October 2009

Bury your head...

I have found since I moved back to the US that I have been essentially burying my head when it comes to news. I am SO SICK to death of politics and politicians, all of them. I guess when we were living in Scotland we lived in sort of a bubble. Sure, things continued to happen around the world and in the States but it was like we were insulated from them a bit. I watched US cable news to keep abreast of what is happening in the world. I cannot believe how biased the news and associated channels have become. Whatever happened to just telling the news, telling us what is happening and letting people make their own minds up? Here is a news flash...Barack Obama is not a God. Really. He is not. I find it amusing that there was so much belief that he was going to be elected and with his magic wand make everything okay. Poor guy will never be able to live up the hype...even if he helped create it. That is what you do during campaigns.
About 12 years ago I stopped watching movies that made me cry. It was after the Titanic and I was traumatized by the movie. Don't laugh. I remember coming home from the movie and asking my best friend Kat (who had seen the movie) why didn't you tell me they were all going to die? She just looked at me like I was crazy and said "It is the Titanic, what did you think was going to happen?" Good Question.
There is so much bad that happens in our world. We have had a trial going on here in Knoxville about a young couple who were kidnapped, tortured, raped and killed. It is a huge racial thing here since the couple was white and the accused are black. I don't care if you are purple, why do things like this happen? I can't and won't give any details....I just can't read about it. My heart literally breaks. I look at my son and think kids are born so innocent. They really are. I don't want to hear about class, income blah blah blah. What happens along the way? Why did the accused allegedly do this? I have an internal "thing" within me...I know the difference between right and wrong, not because of religion or because I was "taught" the difference.
I guess this is brought on because as I was laying here in bed this morning looking out at the beautiful lake and sunshine having a cup of coffee while my boys are out getting tires put on the car, I happened to stumble across an article of the testimony that Elizabeth Smart gave regarding her experiences in captivity. I usually don't read these articles, literally because they tear me up. The things that happened to this little girl are horrific. Why? Why? Why?
I don't know. It just rocks me to my core to know that things like this happen. How do we stop it? I just want to take my little boy and wrap him in my arms and turn on Mickey Mouse and pretend like things like this don't exist. But what kind of parent would I be if I did that? I hate the fact that I have to teach him this side of human nature to protect him.
I know...a random post.


paddle to shore said...

Why do bad things have to happen?
I don't get it. Why can't we all love one another no matter what? I wish we could all be good people but sadly that will never happen.

Snarky Belle said...

This just made me cry as I shook my head in total agreement. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I think you are a strong, courageous mother.

Ashley said...

Oh girl! I am so torn up over the Duggard girl. I have thought about it over and over and want to cry thinking of all that she endured. I also read some of Elizabeth Smart's encounters and cried as well. So hard to hear and yet what an amazing girl she is! I completely understand your anguish over these things. It just makes me disgusted with life, and yet I know it happens.