13 June 2009

Back and Somewhat Rested

I think that we have finally turned a corner. It has been a rough couple of days getting adjusted and jet lag. Not really for me but Aidan has had a hard time. We have been up at about 2am and he's up! Ugh. But, this morning he went back to sleep until 4:30 so we are doing better. Couple of more days and we should be there. He is having the time of his life with all of his family here! I am behind in the blog world, but will try to get that fixed today. I have some important things to write about! I have received 2 blog awards...from two of my favorite bloggers! :) I'll post more on that in a bit. I also missed Fab Friday this week, but will get that up today as well! Well, it is now 5am..think we'll go hit Denny's or something for pancakes. I LOVE PANCAKES! :)


Neisha said...

I'm so glad you are back home safe and sound. Glad to hear that Aidan had a good trip. Can't wait to hear about your blog awards. Congrats!!! Hope you were finally able to have some Starbucks. : )

paddle to shore said...

ohhhh pancakes! yummmmmm...

John & Michelle said...

Glad you made it home! Hope you are both enjoying the nice weather and maybe some pancakes!!!

Danielle Moss said...

Welcome back to the states! :)