13 May 2009

Living in a bubble, Hooligans and Haircuts...

As we prepare for our move back the States I find myself a bit...I don't know...apprehensive? I don't know if that is exactly the right word or not. We live in the beautiful little corner of the world where the crime rate is non existant and you don't have to worry that someone is going to snatch your kid while your back is turned in the aisle of the grocery store. It is perfectly acceptable to leave your child in the car while you walk 3 steps to pay for your gas (we don't have credit card pumps!) No one is going to call CPS on you or car jack you! Giving this up is going to be hard and it I am interested to see how quickly I adapt to the differences in the States. Even in my smaller community in WA state we still have our fair share of crime. Moving to a bigger city with the metro area combined population just over one million I know it is going to be a big change. Just need to start thinking that way again!


Aidan was in rare form earlier today. We had coffee this morning with our friend Tina and her new baby boy and Aidan was just a little monster! Not sure what got into him, but he was throwing toys, wouldn't sit down for a second and was climbing on everything! I was chasing him the entire time! There were a couple of older ladies having tea and they laughed before they left and said Aidan was quite the Hooligan! I was laughing so hard..they are exactly right but most people are way to polite to say it! :) He isn't always like that but was just in a mood today!


I am getting my hair cut on the 20th and am feeling in the need of a major change! I found this great website from In Style Magazine that allows you to upload your picture and try on different celeb hairstyle and modify color etc. I am either thinking of a long bob (I just hate trendy haircuts and that is the trendy cut at the moment) or Reese Witherspoon inspired bangs! What do you think?

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