16 March 2010

Baby Fever

Oh...the baby fever. My "baby" is two and half on the 18th of this
month. How did this happen? Where did the time go? He is getting to
be such a big boy!
I must be crazy because I am really really really thinking about
having another one. We are not spring chickens JR and I. I will be
36 this year and JR turned 51 in November. It is crazy. Seriously we
still don't get a full night uninterrupted sleep very often. I just
want Aidan to have a sibling. Well...he does have two adult sisters
(JRs from previous) and they are amazing and adore him, but I want him
to have a sibling closer to his own age. I am almost 99% sure I want
another one...but I am scared. Scared that I won't be able to handle
two when I can barely handle Aidan. I would love to wait until Aidan
was about 5 or so, but we can't..we are old. LOL! Damn biological
Doesn't help that my sister Kristen is pregnant with a little girl and
is due at the end of July! I don't know...I do know that I love my
sisters. I can't imagine not having them in my life. They drive me
CRAZY sometimes, but I know that they will ALWAYS be there for me just
as I will always be there for them. There is a comfort in that.
Plus...JR and I have never had a vacation together. Just the two of
us. I really really want to do that and Aidan is finally at an age
when we can. Hmmm...
We said we'd make the decision when Aidan was two on anymore...we
didn't. Maybe give it until he is three? Ok...rambling now...but
look how cute he was!!


Ashley said...

GO FOR IT! Two is a handful, and a blast, and less sleep, but I would do it all over again to have two! I tel everyone that thinks they may want more to go for it; no need to have regrets in life! Oh, think of those sweet baby faces and eyes and bottoms.... I'm ready too, but my husband is not quite on board with me yet. HA! Good luck!

midnight macaroons said...

Adorable baby. Your son, Aiden, is so precious. Such a handsome little guy. I hear ya on the whole biologicalclock thing. I'm 33 and my husband is 40. I think we are the only two people in the world who hasn't started a family yet. I would really like to have my first soon. My husband would like to wait. Who knows....

Kari said...

DO IT!!! Seriously, would you regret it once that little baby was in your arms?! Better yet, when the strip on the stick turns pink!? NO way! I have 2 now and am about to have #3. I am 26 and scared to death, but oh! So excited!!! Go for it!

Danielle Moss said...

Being a firm believer that EVERYONE should grow up with a sibling, I say go for it. I also think it's better if they are close in age. You can totally handle it. Jon and Kate had 6 at once. You're aiming for just one...right? ;)

Go for it!