16 October 2009

Pop Culture

I have a bit of a dirty secret.  I love pop culture.  My sweet husband just shakes his head at me, he could care less.  So that being out in the open...

Jon and Kate...Shut the hell up.  Both of you.  Just.Stop.Talking.  I am SOOOOOO tired of hearing about you.  Hopefully your show will be off the air soon and you can fade into oblivion.  I used to LOVE this show.  Yes, Kate is a bit over the top but she has 8 kids....I'd be crazy too.  I am nearly crazy already and I only have one.  Jon...I can understand your need to rebel...you were treated like the 9th child instead of a spouse, but come on.  You are parents both of you and you should be ashamed of yourselves.  Stop.Talking. Stop issuing statements and stop airing your dirty laundry in public, your children will see all of this crap one day.

Jessica Simpson...She is NOT fat.  My God, what is going on with our society?  This poor girl, the latest skit that was done by the NFL was ridiculous.  Jessica looks beautiful...God forbid she gains 5 or 10 pounds and ends up looking like a healthy girl.  She is fine just the way she is.

This leads me to the next rant...What in the hell is this???

I read a follow up story on this and this model says that she was fired because she was too fat at 5'10 120 pounds.  Wow.

Then this photo came up again Ralph Lauren...

What is going on?  Models are not skinny enough?  I mean if some of them were any thinner they would be dead!  So we now have to alter their bodies to look like what? Aliens?  Their heads are bigger than their pelvis/hips...As a woman I am offended.  I refuse to allow myself to believe that this is beautiful.  This is not beautiful.  This is sick and I can tell you that I will absolutely not be buying anything RL!  I am officially boycotting RL! 

I will never understand how we got here.  What happened to the idea of beauty in the 40s and 50s?  Women...real women with busts and hips?  Even the supermodels of the early 90s looked like real women.  Cindy Crawford...she is beautiful and she had hips!  It is no wonder that we have such a problem with eating disorders in this country.  Society has dictated what is considered beautiful and unfortunately so many girls, women and men buy into that. 

We as consumers/members of our society have to put a stop to it. 

Next up...Who in the heck are the Kardashians?  Why do I care that one of them is pregnant?  That one got married after dating some obscure basketball player for a month? And that one...well I don't know what she has done, broke up with her boyfriend and then got back together??  I like pop culture but seriously? If People online has another story about the Kardashian that is pregnant, what she is eating blah blah blah I am going to boycott People.  Who are they paying for this publicity and again, who is that cares?  I realize that I just dedicated an entire paragraph to these 3...hypocrite. :)

And I would never boycott People.

I just realized that for some reason my blogger thingy no longer has spell check on it...I'm too lazy to spell check it myself tonight so I apologize in advance for any mispelled misspelled words... :)


Snarky Belle said...

Amen, Amen, Amen to every bit of it! Way to go girl! Fantastic post.

paddle to shore said...

I will never understand how people can call Jessica Simpson FAT! It's so sad.

midnight macaroons said...

LOL! YES! You totally posted my thoughts on everything and everyone. Shut the hell up. I don't want to hear about Jon and Kate anymore. And I can't believe Jessica Simpson makes the news for gaining 5 to 10 lbs...I'm sooo happy I'm not a celebrity because my big butt would be all over the news, LOL! And the RL girl looks freakish. She's too skinny. Is it me or does her head look big on her body? She looks like a Bratz doll. My hubby is in healthcare and with the sad stories I hear it makes me shake my head that someone healthy would do this to their body for fashion. Crazy world!