16 July 2009

Quick Update

It has been a hectic couple of days. My grandma is out of surgery, still in the ICU but doing well. Thank you everyone for your thoughts!

I am beyond exhausted...I had been living in this little town in Northern Scotland and though the weather was horrid, I find myself missing the peace and quiet. It was such a stress free life and though I love the USA, my family and "home" I miss the days of no stress and listening to the waterfall outside of our window...a few pictures that I happen to have on this laptop of our other "home..."

A view from our bedroom window
Tunnel of trees leading to our house

Cliffs from the Ferry to the Orkney Islands

Orkney Islands

Ring of Brodgar - Orkney Islands

Drive at home


Outside of Durness

West Coast

Outside of Wick
Little Lambs...my Favorite!


Malin said...

It looks like heaven!! :) Although I'm sure I'd freeze to death!!

The Daily Bee said...

Wow! I've never had the "want" to visit Scotland, but after these pictures... wow! Incredible!

John & Michelle said...

I totally understand. We did not enjoy being in Illinois for 3 years. It's about 10.5 hrs from our family, but I find myself longing for the company of my friends. I miss them everyday.

midnight macaroons said...

Ok, I'm ready to pack up and move to Scotland.I've never lived outside the states but I've been to Europe. My favorite spots are not the cities but the countryside. I like things mellow. My husband worked/lived in Germany for a year. He loved it! Beautiful pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous! I lived in Edinburgh for a summer and completely fell in love with Scotland.